With the most regional selection, these 13 stair locations sprinkled throughout Calgary's South West offer some of the most diverse scenery and stair workout options.

Dog Park

Stair Count: 145 Stairs
Elevation Change: 60'3" / 18.3m
Materials: Wood


Stair Count: 46 Stairs
Elevation Change: 34'6" / 10.5m
Materials: Wood

Riverdale Park
North Stairs

Stair Count: 71 Stairs
Elevation Change: 32'6" / 10m
Materials: Wood


Stair Count: 146 Stairs
Elevation Change: 67' / 20.4m
Materials: Wood

Roxboro 2nd St
33 Ave Access

Stair Count: 71 Stairs
Elevation Change: 41'3" / 12.5m
Materials: Wood

4th Street

Stair Count: 74 Stairs
Elevation Change: 43' / 13m
Materials: Wood

Bus Stop Stairs

Stair Count: 50 Stairs
Elevation Change: 20'8" / 6.3m
Materials: Wood

Elbow River Pathway

Stair Count: 71 Stairs
Elevation Change: 41'3" / 12.5m
Materials: Wood

Signal Hill
West Stairs

Stair Count: 82 Stairs
Elevation Change: 47'10" / 14.5m
Materials: Wood

Signal Hill
North Stairs

Stair Count: 90 Stairs
Elevation Change: 52'6" / 16m
Materials: Wood

Signal Hill
East Stairs

Stair Count: 71 Stairs
Elevation Change: 41'3" / 12.5m
Materials: Wood

The Glencoe

Stair Count: 156 Stairs
Elevation Change: 91' / 27.75m
Materials: Wood

The Glencoe Club
Short Stairs

Stair Count: 18 Stairs
Elevation Change: 10'6" / 3.2m
Materials: Wood

Edworthy Park
Douglas Fir Trail

Stair Count: 34 Stairs
Elevation Change: 13'4" / 4m
Materials: Wood & Gravel

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Other Stair Locations

North West

We've found 7 stair locations located across the North West Calgary area. Ranging from beautiful Bow River views to Calgary's infamous 165 stair location just off of Memorial Drive.

North East

Most locations centrally located, these 6 stairs in Calgary's North East region offer private hidden urban concrete workout zones for any hardcore enthusiast.

South East

With only 2 locations located in Calgary's South East area. Start your stair workout on either of these straight run stairs with good areas for stretching.